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Welcome to IB STEINER,

your trusted polymer ingenieurs! For almost
3 decades we have been successfully innovating and developing products and moulding processes thus creating a broad knowledge about product design and manufacturing in reference to various materials. We are pleased to be able to work for you.

Your Team of IB STEINER

WE develop YOUR advance !

Outstanding products are no coincidence. With our technical know-how, our experience and our commitment, we are able to guaranty a successful cooperation at the highest level. Through a mature system and the achievement of high quality requirements, starting from development consulting, project planning and project management towards carrying out of the development projects with the implementation of the results ... we are the ideal contact for you and your questions.

You have got the choice:

Our specialists support you on-site in workshops to optimize processes or we can take over
your demanding projects for redesign and new developments on request.

Systematic project processing, high material competence and the use of up-to-date virtual development tools are indicators of an efficient, goal-oriented product development.

In all development phases, starting from project definition to advanced development and main development up to the serial transfer, IB_STEINER is pursuing the predefined and jointly defined objectives.

Milestones in the development process, illustrated as a Stage Gate Process, are including stop/go decisions, e.g. after feasibility analysis has been carried out. The basis for the decision is the results of researches in databases, simulations and experiments in the laboratory. All occurrences and knowledge during the development process will be documented in a closed manner and are available after for subsequent measures.

Based on the state of the art, we are developing new concepts and implementing competent, innovative solutions. As an independent engineering office, we look for the optimal solution tailored to you and ensure a goal-oriented, efficient implementation of the same. Trust IB STEINER. Trust the technological market leader.

Whether on the countryside, in the water or in the air, ...

... we design the technologies and products - we create the future. "Y"our future.


Blog of IB STEINER; Update on 26 September 2022, at 15:23

The perfect solution for each function, the best material for every property, all together merged with the right production process: This is how hybrid products succeed! By use of multi material processes, hybrid technologies and assembly injection moulding materials of different worlds can be jointed together to use their positive properties. Especially overmoulding of wood, metal and glass components with plastic materials allow to improve product properties often together with significant cost reduction.
Smart engineers develop smart materials for new products beyond state of the art. Plastic materials and injection moulding are technology drivers in this field. Smart materials respond to changing surrounding conditions, like increasing of temperature or changed pH value, and initiate process control in a product without assistance of user. Smart materials will open doors for new solutions, possibilities and visions created by development team for consumer benefits.
With research teams from Poland and Austria, polymeric heart valves in hybrid construction made of titanium and polycarbonatethane were developed in the M-ERA.NET project bioVALVE. Through process simulation the component geometry was virtually developed in several iterative steps and the injection molds for overmolding the filigree titanium grids were designed rheologically. A revolutionary design focused on the flow conditions in the heart led to significant improvements in biocompatibility for the polymer heart valves developed.
Wood, perfected by nature over thousands of years, is becoming the lightweight construction material of the future through innovative technologies. The functionalisation of wood components by overmoulding with plastics, including biopolymers, increases the ease of assembly of the lightweight components and leads to improved surface properties in application. Wood-hybrid technology meets the requirements of technically sophisticated lightweight construction products in line with the EU Green Deal without compromising on properties or economic efficiency.
Within the FFG Bridge project "RubExject", a new processing method for rubber components based on the EXJECTION technology was developed in cooperation with SKF Sealing Solutions Austria GmbH and the Chair for Injection Moulding of Plastics at the University of Leoben. This should enable the production of large, functional 3D profiles while maintaining the smallest dimensional tolerances. The EXJECTION technology makes it possible to produce very long components, such as large seals, which are in greater demand today than ever before. The research mold was built by ELMET Elastomere Produktions- und Dienstleistungs GmbH.
Details are available soon ...

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Monday to Friday
8.00 am to 4.30 pm


Innovation Business
for Plastic Engineering


Poststrasse 12
A-8724 Spielberg


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Tel.: +43 3512/72 776


